Laptop and Miniature Trackballs
Great for use with your portable computer or for presentations, these miniature trackballs with PS/2, USB and wireless interfaces can also deliver big trackball performance with your desktop computer.
A brief note on wireless input devices: You should really ask yourself if you need a wireless input device. Naturally for presentations or applications where you are working at a distance from your computer a wireless device is a necessity but for normal desktop use it can be unnecessarily inconvenient. Wireless devices often require a "synchronization" procedure every time the system is powered up or reset and they are less responsive in games or real time applications. They are also more expensive. Unless you know you really need a wireless device we suggest you go with a conventional cabled device.
Fingertip or thumb control. Three mouse buttons. A great mini-trackball for use with your portable computer. Installs using PS/2 or USB port. Black case, Black ball. Price: $84.95
CST650 Miniature Trackball, PS/2-USB1
Fingertip or thumb control. Three mouse buttons. A great mini-trackball for use with your portable computer. Installs using PS/2 or serial interface port. Gray case, Black ball. Price: $84.95
